8月 18, 2018

佛說四十二章經 (中英文全文;第22 ~ 42章;共42章 )

The Scripture of Forty-Two Chapters said by Buddha
(in Chinese and EnglishChapters 22~ 42Total in 42 Chapters )

摩騰、竺法蘭  共譯 (從梵文譯成中文)
許道清  (從中文譯成英文)
Co-translators in the time of Eastern Han Dynasty, China(A.D. 25 - 200) : Kasyapa Matanga and Zhu Falan (Who translated the said Scripture from Sanskrit into Chinese. )
Translator in modern time (A.D.2018: Tao Qing Hsu (Who translated the said Scripture from Chinese into English.)

第二十二章 財色招苦

Chapter 22: Money and erotic incur the affliction
The Buddha said,” That money and erotic for people can not be abandoned are such as honey on the blade of one knife which is not enough to be the perfect of one meal; when a child licks them, it would cause the trouble of cutting tongue. ”  

佛陀說:“金錢和色情對於人們來說是不容放棄的,例如一把刀的刀刃上的蜂蜜,不足以做成一頓飯。 當孩子舔它們時,會造成割舌的麻煩。 ”

第二十三章 妻子甚獄

Chapter 23: Wife is more than a prison
The Buddha said, ”People are tied by wife and house, which is more than a prison. There is a date of the release for the jail. There is no thought of departure from the wife. Emotion and love about the erotic, how would they scare to offer the services? Even though the worry about the mouth of tiger exists, the heart is willing to be conquered. Throwing self into the mud and drowning self, that is why those people are called ordinary people. Those who can see through such door are the out-of-dust Arhat.


佛陀說:人們被妻子和房子綁在一起,這不僅僅是監獄。 監獄有釋放的日期。 人們卻沒有一念想到要離開妻子。對色情的情感和熱愛,他們怎麼會害怕提供服務? 即使擔心老虎的嘴巴,他們仍把自己扔進泥裡,把自己淹死,這就是為什麼這些人被稱為普通人。 可以看透這種門的人是出離塵土的羅漢。

第二十四章 色欲障道 

Chapter 24: The erotic and desire hinder the Dao   
The Buddha said,” Love and desire is not more than erotic. The erotic as a desire is so large and there is no beyond it in the external. Fortunately, there is only such one. If there were the second one as the same, the people in the universal world would be incapable of acting the Dao.”   

佛陀說:“愛和慾望沒有超過色情。 作為慾望的色情是如此之大,並且在外部沒有超越它。 幸運的是,只有這樣一個。 如果第二個同樣如此,那麼宇宙世界的人民就無法表現出道。“

第二十五章 欲火燒身

Chapter 25: The fire of desires burns the body.  
The Buddha said,” For the people, the love and desire are such as holding a burning torch to walk against the wind, and which absolutely has the trouble of burning hands.”  


第二十六章 天魔嬈佛

Chapter 26: The heaven demon disturbs the Buddha.     
The heaven god devotes the jade girl to the Buddha so as to spoil the will of the Buddha. The Buddha said,” Leather bag with much filth inside, you come here for what? Go! I don’t use it.” The heaven god is more respectful for the Buddha and thus inquires the meaning of Dao. The Buddha explains it to him, who immediately attains the fruit of Srotāpanna.   

天神將玉女奉獻給佛陀,以破壞佛陀的意志。 佛陀說:“裡面有很多污物的皮包,你來這兒是為了什麼? 走開! 我不使用它。 天神更加尊敬佛陀,因此詢問道的含義。 佛陀向他解釋,他立即獲得了須陀洹的證果。

第二十七章 無著得道 

Chapter 27: Without attachment gains the Dao.
The Buddha said,” Those who put the Dao into the practice are such as the wood floats on the water, flows along the river, doesn't touch the two side of the river, doesn't be taken away by people, would not be covered by ghosts and gods, would not be stopped by turbulence and nor being corrupt, I guarantee that this wood is decided to enter the sea. People who learn the Dao are not confused by the emotion and desire, are not disturbed by many viciousness, and refine the progress and practice the no-doing, I guarantee such person to gain the Dao certainly.”

佛陀說:“那些把道進行修練的人就像木頭漂浮在水面上,沿著河流流動,不會碰到河的兩邊,不被人帶走,不會被超自然生物覆蓋,不會被湍流阻止而且也不會腐敗,我保證這塊木頭決定進入大海。 學習道的人不會被情感和慾望所迷惑,不會受到許多惡毒的擾亂,並且不斷完善進步和實踐無為,我保證這樣的人肯定會獲得道。

第二十八章 意馬莫縱

Chapter 28: A thought is as a horse, don’t indulge it.      
The Buddha said,” Don’t trust your thought. Your thought is un-trusty. Be cautious not to meet the erotic. Meeting the erotic would incur the disasters instantly. Having gained the Arhathood, you thus can trust your thought.     

佛陀說:“不要相信你的想法。 你的想法是不可靠的。 小心不要遇到色情。 遇到色情會立即引發災難。 獲得了阿羅漢果之後,你就可以相信你的想法了。

第二十九章 正觀敵色

Chapter 29: Right perception can resist the erotic.        
The Buddha said,” Be cautious not look at the women nor speak with them, if speaking with them, the heart and thought should be right: I am śramaṇa, being in the turbid world, should be as a lotus, not contaminated by the mud. Think those elderly as mother; those older than me as elder sister; those younger than me as younger sister and those children as daughter. Have the heart for saving and liberating them, and eliminate my own vicious thought. "  


佛陀說:“小心不要看女人,也不要和她們說話,如果和她們說話,心和想法應該是正確的:我是沙門,在渾濁的世界裡,應該像蓮花一樣,不被汙泥沾染。 認為那些老人是母親,那些年長者是姐姐,那些小輩是妹妹,那些孩子是女兒。 有拯救和解脫他們的心,消除我自己的惡毒思想。

第三十章 遠離欲火 

Chapter 30: Depart far away from the desire-fire       
The Buddha said,” Those who act the Dao are such as putting on the dried grass, must avoid it, when the fire comes. When the Daoist people see the desire, they must depart far away from it.”

佛陀說:“那些行道的人就像穿上乾草一樣,當火來臨時,必須避開它。 當道人看到慾望時,必須遠離它。

第三十一章 心寂欲除

Chapter 31: To silence in heart removes the desire.       
The Buddha said,” There is someone who is suffering from fornications and can't stop, and wants to cut off his penis by himself.” The Buddha told him, “If you cut off your penis, it would be better to cut off your heart. The heart is like Gong Cao. If Gong Cao stops, the followers will halt. If the evil heart could not stop, what are the benefits to cut off the penis?” The Buddha said the verse to him:” The desire is happened from your consciousness. Your consciousness is occurred from your thought. If the two hearts are silent separately, there is no the erotic nor the action.” The Buddha said,” This verse is spoken by the Buddha Kāśyapa.”        

佛陀說:“有人患有淫亂,無法停止,想要自己切斷陰莖。”佛陀告訴他,“如果切斷陰莖,最好斷你的心。 心就像功曹。 如果功曹停止,追隨者將會停止。 如果邪惡的心無法阻止,切除陰莖會有什麼好處?“ 佛陀對他說了這句話:“慾望是從你的意識中發生的。 你的意識是從你的思想中發生的。 如果兩心分別寂靜,就沒有情慾,也沒有動作。“佛陀說,”這節經文是迦葉佛所說的。

第三十二章 我空怖滅

Chapter 32: The ego-emptiness eliminates the fear. 
The Buddha said,” People follow the desire of love and thus to occur the worry and follow the worry so as to occur the fear. If they leave the desire of love, what would be worried and what would be feared?” 
佛陀說:“人們從愛欲中產生擔憂,並從憂慮中產生恐懼。 如果離開愛欲,會擔憂什麼? 會害怕什麼?“

第三十三章 智明破魔

Chapter 33: The wisdom-brightness destroys the demon.
The Buddha said,” Those who put the Dao into practice are as one person fights with the ten thousand persons. When he puts on the armor and goes out of the door, his will may be weak, he may retreat in the halfway, he may die because of fighting, or he may return because of gaining the win. The Sramaṇa who learns the Dao, should insist its heart to keep improving, and should be brave and elite, should not fear the front situation, and should destroy many demons, and thus gains the fruit of Dao.”        


佛陀說:“那些把道都付諸實踐的人就像一個人與一萬人打戰。 當他穿上盔甲並走出門外,他的意志可能會減弱,或者他可能會在中途撤退,或者他可能因戰鬥而死,或者他可能因為獲得勝利而返回。 學習道的沙門,應該堅持自己的心,精益求精,勇猛精銳,不要害怕前方的情況,應該摧毀許多惡魔,從而獲得道的果實。“

第三十四章 處中得道 

Chapter 34: Being in the middle gains the Dao.          

A Sramaṇa recited the Scripture of The Legacy of The Teachings Said by The Buddha Kasyapa at night. His voice was showed sad and tight. He felt remorseful and would like to retreat. The Buddha asked him and said,” What was your career when you were at home? He answered and said,” I like to play the stringed instrument.” The Buddha said,” What would happen when the string is loose?” He answered and said,”Do not sound anymore.” The Buddha said,” What would happen when the string is tight? He answered and said,” The sound breaks and stops.“ The Buddha said,” What would happen if the string is in the middle between the loose and the tight?” He answered and said.” All sounds ring melodiously.” The Buddha said,” A Sramaṇa learning the Dao is as like these. If the heart is adjusted in a proper way, the Dao can be gained. If being irritable in the Dao, being irritable is the tired body. If being tired in the body, any nuisance would be occurred from any thought instantly. If any nuisance is occurred from any thought, the practicing would be retreated. Since the practicing is retreated, the sin would be added certainly. But being clear, pure, peaceful and happy, the Dao won’t be lost.”   

沙門在晚上背誦了迦葉佛所說的教義的遺產經文 (遺教經)。他的聲音顯得悲傷而緊張。他感到懊悔,想要撤退。佛陀問他說:“你在家時的職業是什麼?他回答說:“我喜歡彈奏弦樂器。”佛陀說:“琴弦鬆動會發生什麼?”他回答道,“不再發聲了。”佛陀說:“當弦緊繃時會發生什麼?他回答說:“聲音斷了。”佛陀說道,“如果琴弦在鬆散和緊繃之間會怎麼樣?”他回答說道,“所有的聲音都響亮地旋轉。”佛陀說,“學習道的沙門就是這樣的。如果用正確的方法調心,就可以獲得道。如果在道中煩躁,煩躁就是疲憊的身體。如果身體疲憊,任何想法都會立即產生任何滋擾。如果任何想法發生任何滋擾,那麼修行就會被撤退。由於修行被撤退,罪惡肯定會增加。但是只要清晰,純潔,平和,快樂,道就不會迷失。“             

第三十五章 垢淨明存 

Chapter 35: Once the filth is cleaned, the brightness is existed.           
The Buddha said,” As if a person forges iron to remove the dross, and then to be the utensil, the utensil is thus refined and good, the person who learns the Dao removes the filth in heart, his practicing is clean and pure accordingly.“   

佛陀說:“就好像一個人用鐵鍛造去除浮渣,然後成為器皿一樣這樣的器皿又精緻又好。 學習道的人去除內心的污穢,他的修行是清淨的。”   

第三十六章 輾轉獲勝

Chapter 36: Floundering gains the victory.          

The Buddha said,” After people depart from the Evil Path, it is difficult for them to become the human beings. Since they have become the human beings, it is difficult for them to remove the female body but to be the male body. Since they have become the male body, it is difficult for them to completely have the Six Roots. Since they completely have the Six Roots, it is difficult for them to be born in the central part of a country. Since they have been born in the central part of a country, it is difficult for them to encounter the world of Buddha. Since they have encountered the world of Buddha, it is difficult for them to encounter the Dao. Since they have encountered the Dao, it is difficult for them to raise the confidence. Since they have raised the confidence, it is difficult for them to initiate the Bodhi-heart. Since they have initiated the Bodhi-heart, it is difficult for them to be no-practicing and no-proving.                
佛陀說:“人們離開邪惡之路後,他們很難成為人類。 既然他們成為人類,他們就很難除去女身而成為男身。 既然成為男性,他們就很難完全擁有“六根”。 既然他們完全有了“六根”,他們就很難在國家中部出生。 既然他們出生在國家中部,他們就很難遇到佛陀的世界。 既然他們遇到了佛陀的世界,他們就很難遇到修道這件事。 既然遇到修道這件事,他們就很難樹立信心。 既然他們建立了信心,他們就很難發起菩提之心。 既然他們開始了菩提心,他們就很難不修行也不做證明

第三十七章 念戒近道       

Chapter 37: Thinking of the precepts approaches the Dao.          
The Buddha said,” The disciples of Buddha are thousands of miles away from me, those who keep my precepts in mind and think of them surely gain the fruit of Dao. Those who are around me, although they can see me often, if they do not obey my precepts, do not gain the Dao finally."

佛陀說:“佛陀的弟子離我千里之遙,那些遵守我的戒律並想到它們的人肯定會獲得道的果實。 那些在我身邊的人,雖然他們能經常看到我,如果他們不遵守我的戒律,最終不會獲得道。“

第三十八章 生即有滅 

Chapter 38: Arising is to have the eliminating.  (Happening is eliminating. When there is happening, there is eliminating.  )         

The Buddha asked the Sramana,” How long is the span between the human life? ” The Sramana answered and said,” It is between several days.” The Buddha said,” You have not yet known the Dao.” Then, The Buddha asked another Sramana again: ” How long is the span between the human life?” The Sramana answered and said,” It is between meals.” The Buddha said,” You have not yet known the Dao.” Then, The Buddha asked another Sramana again: ” How long is the span between the human life?” The Sramana answered and said,” It is between breathing.” The Buddha said,” Good! You have known the Dao.” 

佛陀問沙門,“人的一生之間的跨度是多少?” 沙門回答說,“這是幾天之間。”佛陀說,“你還不知道道。” 然後,佛陀又問另一個沙門:“人的一生之間的跨度是多少?” 沙門回答說,“這是在兩餐之間。”佛陀說,“你還不知道道。” 然後,佛陀又問另一個沙門 :“人的一生之間的跨度是多少?” 沙門回答說,“它介於呼吸之間。”佛陀說:“好! 你知道了道。“   

第三十九章 教誨無差

Chapter 39: There is no difference in the teaching.            
The Buddha said,” Those who learn the path of Buddha should believe and obey what the Buddha has spoken. Such as eating the honey, both of the middle and the side are sweet; my scripture is as the same.”

佛陀說:“那些學習佛道的人應該相信並遵守佛陀所說的話。 如吃蜂蜜,中間和側面都是甜的; 我的經文也一樣。

第四十章 行道在心

Chapter 40: Practicing the Dao into heart.             
The Buddha said,” The Sramana practices the Dao, who is not like the grinding cow; although the body practices the Dao, the Dao of heart doesn’t be practiced. If the Dao of heart is practiced, why should it be necessary to practice the Dao?” 

佛陀說:“沙門實行道,他不像磨牛; 雖然身體實行道,但心靈之道並沒有實行。 如果心靈的道被實行,怎麼有必要實行道?“

第四十一章 直心出欲

Chapter 41: The honest heart leaves the desire.               
The Buddha said,” Those who practice the Dao are such as a cattle loads heavy objects. When it walks in the deep mud, it is too tired to dare to look around; when it is out of the mud, it is then able to be rest. The Sramana should perceive that the emotion and desire are more than the mud. With the honest heart to think of the Dao, it could avoid the suffering.”      

佛陀說:“那些實行道的人就像牛載重物。 當牠走在深泥裡時,牠太累了,以至於不敢四處張望;當牠脫離泥沼時,牠就可以休息了。 沙門應該覺察情感和慾望比爛泥更多。 以正直真誠的心去思考道,可以避免痛苦。“

第四十二章 達世如幻 

Chapter 42: Recognize the worldliness as illusion

The Buddha said,” I view the position of a king and princes as that dust passes through a gap, gold-jade treasures as rubbles, white-delicate clothes as broken-old silk, large-thousand worlds as a myrobalan, Anuttana-pool water as applying foot oil, convenient gate as transforming the treasures gathering, the supreme-boarding as the gold-handkerchief in dream, the path of Buddha as the flowers in front of the eyes, the meditation as Sumeru pillar, the Nirvana as the day-night awakening, the reverse and positive as the six-dragons dance, the equality as one truth-land, the thriving and teaching as the four-seasons wood.    

佛陀說:“我認為國王和諸侯的位置如同通過間隙的塵埃。 我認為金玉寶藏如同碎石。 我認為白色精緻的衣服如同破舊的絲綢。 我認為這千萬個世界如同一個訶子。 我認為阿耨池水是塗腳的油。 我認為方便的法門如同轉化寶藏的聚集。我認為至高無上的載乘如同夢中的金手帕。 我認為佛陀的道路如同眼前的花朵。 我認為冥想禪修如同須彌的支柱。 我認為涅槃如同晝夜覺醒。 我認為反正如同六龍舞。 我認為平等如同一個真理之地。 我認為興隆教化如同四季樹。