9月 20, 2023

佛說十號經 (中英文全文) (更新於2024年6月5日)

西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚少卿明教大師臣天息災奉 詔譯 (從梵文翻譯成中文)

英文翻譯 (從中文翻譯成英文):許道清 (Hsu, Tao Qing; Tao Qing Hsu)

The ancient translator: Master Devasantika, Buddhist monk, Since A.D. Unknown to A.D.1000, born in North India, Jalandhara. Master Devasantika accepted the ancient emperor's order to translate this Buddhist scripture from Sanskrit into Chinese.

The modern translator: Tao Qing Hsu, Buddhist-at-home, not Buddhist nun, born and living in Taiwan. She has translated this Buddhist scripture from Chinese into English since the year of 2023 AD.


The Scripture of the Ten Titles Said by Buddha


Tathagata, Should-Make-Offerings, True-Equality-Enlightenment, Brightness-Action-Feet, Good-Death, World-Understanding, Supreme-Scholar, Man-Tamer, Teacher-of-Heavens-and-Humans, Buddha, and World-Venerable-One.



Ananda spoke and said. Why was it  called Tathagata? The Buddha told Bhiksu. In the past, when I was a Pusa in the cause position, I had experienced to practice various deeds. In order to seek the supreme truly equality and truly enlightenment, now I have attained Bodhi, Nirvana and all truth. By the Eight Sage Paths truly see what the proved. It was named Tathagata. Just like those, who attained the truly equality and truly enlightenment in the past, tamed and rested the mind so as to achieve nirvana. It was named Tathagata.


云何應供。佛言。昔在因位所行善法威儀戒品。十善根力修令增長。如是修習圓 滿至究竟位。證涅槃時斷盡一切煩惱。令身口意清淨無染。永害煩惱。如斷多羅樹頭 永不生芽。復次貪瞋癡等煩惱盡故。一切諸趣永不結生。超過四難生老病死苦果之法。惑苦二種而永不生。立應供號。復次令彼世間所有衣服臥具飲食湯藥幢幡寶蓋香花燈菓。及天上人間最上之物。供養於佛。獲得最上富貴吉祥之福。是名應供之號。

Why was it  called Should-Make-Offerings? The Buddha said. In the past, when I was in the cause rank, the good laws, solemn and majestic appearance, and the classified of precepts were practiced. The strength of the ten good roots was cultivated so as to make it increased. Thus consummately practicing and learning to attain the ultimate rank. When achieve the Nirvana, cut off and end all worries. To make the body, mouth and mind clean and untainted. Forever destroy worries. Such as to break the head-root of Tala tree, make it never sprout buds. Furthermore, due to ending the worries of greed, anger, and obsession, all the toward-going would never produce the fruition and generate. It was beyond the law of bitter fruitions of the four difficulties of birth (living), aging, illness and dying. The two seeds of confusion and suffering would never be produced. It was established the name of Should-Make-Offerings. Furthermore, make all the clothes, bedding, food and drink, soups and medicines, banners, flags, precious canopies, fragrant flowers, lamps and fruits in the world, and the highest thing in heaven and earth be offered to the Buddha. Obtain the blessing of supreme wealth and auspiciousness. It was the name of Should-Make-Offerings.



Why was it  called the True-Equality-Enlightenment? The Buddha said. The Tathagata possessed all wisdom. There was nothing all over the places that could not be understood and known. Take the four thought places, four right breakings, four spiritual feet, five roots, five strengths, seven factors of enlightenment, eight sage paths, twelve causalities, and the four reason laws, etc., such were the laws. Equally enlighten all sentient beings. Make them arise the wisdom, cut off the confusion, and attain the in-flaw fruition, one-come-and-go fruition, never-come-again fruition and the no-birthing fruition. Possess the three kinds of brightness and six kinds of spiritual openness. Furthermore, in the great boarding (Mahayana), make the meaning and think the requesting so as to experience and practice all the status. Cut off the knots’ habits and attain the supreme enlightenment. This name was the True-Equality-and-True-Enlightenment.



Why was it called Brightness-Action-Feet? The Buddha said. The brightness meant that the brightness of heavenly eye, the brightness of experienced and predestined destinies, and the brightness of leak- ended. What the meaning of the action feet was the Karma of the Tathagata’s body, mouth, and mind. Good at practicing the consummate of possessing feet, the rightly truth and clearly clean. Such as owning a large clothing and bowl, etc., being able to perceive and reflect it at ease but without loving or attaching it. In all actions of the voluntary strength, practice them so as to make them consummate to possess the feet. It was named Brightness-Action-Feet.



Why was it  called the Good Death? The Buddha said. That is the meaning of marvelous going. Such as greed, anger, obsession, etc., dragging all sentient beings towards the other evil going. This is not named good death. Tathagata's right wisdom was capable to eliminate all confusion. Wonderfully appearing and beyond the world can go toward the Buddha-fruition. It was hence named Good Death.


云何世間解無上士。佛言。世間者。謂欲界色界無色界。地獄餓鬼傍生等類。各 具色蘊受蘊想蘊行蘊識蘊。眼根耳根鼻根舌根身根意根。及彼六識所緣境等一切諸法。名曰世間。正覺正知名世間解。

Why was it called the World-Understanding and the Supreme-Scholar? The Buddha said. What the world means. It was called the desire realm, the color realm, and the colorless realm. And the hells, the hungry ghosts and the brutes, etc., that sort of things. Each had its own form aggregate, feeling aggregate, thought aggregate, action aggregate and consciousness aggregate. And the root of the eyes, the root of the ears, the root of the nose, the root of the tongue, the root of the body, and the root of the mind. And all the laws of that six consciousnesses and of that realms of thereon depending and so on. It was called the world. Truly enlightenment and truly knowing was called World-Understanding.



Moreover, all the two-legged, four-legged, many-legged and no-legged in the other world, the all heavens of desire and color, the heavens of thoughts and no thoughts, the heavens of neither thinking nor non-thinking, and supposing to be the mortal or the sage, in all these sentient beings, only the Buddha was the first, the most supreme and no grade. It was thus named the Supreme-Scholar.


云何調御丈夫。佛言。佛是大丈夫。而能調御善惡二類。惡者起不善三業。而作 諸惡墮地獄餓鬼傍生而得惡報。善者於身口意而修眾善。得人天福果。此之善惡皆由心作。佛以第一義善涅槃之法。顯示調御令離垢染獲得最上寂滅涅槃。是故得名調御丈夫。

Why was it  called the Man-Tamer? The Buddha said. Buddha was a great man. And it could harmonize and rule the two sorts of good and evil things. The evil one made the three karmas of not good arise. And doing all the evil thus depraved oneself into the hells, hungry ghosts and brutes therefore gained the evil retribution. A good person practiced all good deeds in body, mouth and mind. Obtain blessings fruition from human and heaven. All good and evil were done by the mind. The Buddha used the law of nirvana of the good of the first meaning. It demonstrated the harmonizing and ruling to make beings leave the contaminated and filth and thus gained the supreme silent and eliminated Nirvana. Therefore, it was called Man-Tamer.



Why was it called the Teacher of Heavens and Humans? The Buddha said. It is not to be the teacher for Ananda of one bhiksu. All Bhiksus and Bhiksuni. And Upasaka and Upasika. And the heavens and humans. The Srmana and Brahmin. The demon king and the outside Dao. All the heavens of Sakras, Brahmas and Dragons had returned their missions and relied on the teachings to pursue and follow it and all became disciples of the Buddha. It was hence named the Teacher of Heavens and Humans.



Why was it called Buddha? Its wisdom possesses the adequately three enlightenments and the consummate and the brightness. It was hence named Buddha.


佛告阿難。我昔經行之次。有婆羅門而來問我。何故汝之父母為汝立名呼為佛邪 。佛即答言。世所知者我能了知。世所觀者我亦能觀。所得滅者我亦得滅。我具一切智一切了知。我從無數劫。種種修行遠塵離垢。今得無上菩提。故立佛號。

The Buddha told Ananda. I had done the practicing of regularly-walking in the past. A Brahmin came and asked me. Why did your parents name you Buddha? The Buddha immediately answered. That what the world understands and knows can be understood and known by me. That what the world perceives can also be perceived by me. That what the world can eliminate can also be eliminated by me. I have all wisdom and all understanding. I have experienced my lives since the countless kalpas. All kinds of practice are far away from dust and dirt. Now I have achieved the supreme Bodhi. Therefore, the name of Buddha was established.    


云何世尊。佛言。我於因地自審觀察所有善法。戒法心法智慧法。復觀貪等不善 之法。能招諸有生滅等苦。以無漏智破彼煩惱得無上覺。是故天人凡聖。世出世間咸皆尊重。故曰世尊。

Why was it  called the World Venerable One? The Buddha said. When I was in the cause rank, I investigated myself to perceive all good laws. Precepts’ laws, mind’s laws, and wisdom’s laws. And I also perceived the laws of not good of the greed and so on. It could incur all sufferings of having generated and eliminated and so on. Used the wisdom without leakage to break through those worries and gained supreme enlightenment. That was why heavens, humans, mortals and saints. Those who transcended the world and those who were in the world respected him. Therefore, it was called World Venerable One.
